With so many cases of child sex abuse going unreported, in this very special “Anderson” episode, it is our hope that someone watching will learn
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Mississippi House passes protection act for children: JACKSON — The House wrangled for hours Thursday before passing the “Child Protection Act and Child Rape Protection
Mississippi House passes protection act for children: JACKSON — The House wrangled for hours Thursday before passing the “Child Protection Act and Child Rape Protection
KPRC story with video here:There is no clear-cut description for sexual predators. They come in all ages, races and both genders. They can be anyone
KPRC story with video here:There is no clear-cut description for sexual predators. They come in all ages, races and both genders. They can be anyone
KHOU 11 News -Houston The top two administrators and a teacher at a Galveston County school are charged with failure to report child abuse after leaving
(name correction: Amy Smith not Schmidt)
(name correction: Amy Smith not Schmidt)
You is smart. You is kind. You is important. ~ Aibileen ~ The Help
Pennsylvania state representative Thomas P. Murt serves the 152nd Legislative District. He is the secretary of the Child and Youth Committee and chairs the Health