Tweet Willful blindness: When a leader turns a blind eye Leaders inhabit a bubble of power, and they are both mentally and physically cut off
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Oklahoma missionary Matthew Durham sentenced to 40 years in prison for raping children at African orphanage Matthew Lane Durham, 21, was sentenced to four decades
Tweet Police: Chester County Pastor Wanted For Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl Is In Ecuador I — CBS Philly (@CBSPhilly) January 13, 2016 Jacob
Rock Hill pastor who stole $8 million from church gets probation for impersonating doctor, touching boy Pastor Cabe pleaded no contest to five counts
Tweet In a video posted on Sunday, 12/6/15, shown to Resonate Church, pastor Davey Blackburn said he “wholeheartedly believes that Amanda gave her life to see
recommend this to understand concern that #daveyblackburn “sexualized” his audience w/kids present: #AmandaBlackburn — Amy Smith (@watchkeep) November 20, 2015 Sexualization of the audience
Tweet Rising Up with Courage- daybreak on Kauai A Republican political consultant from Georgia was sued this week for allegedly forcing boys to perform sex
Tweetvia Crime Watch DailySammy Nuckolls, a man of God, preyed on his parishioners in the sickest of ways. As cops would uncover, the pastor’s own home
TweetThe Gregory Raymond Kelley Foundation was founded in 2014 to support a convicted felon, Greg Kelley, in prison for super aggravated sexual assault of a
DALLAS, Sept. 22, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Carla Sweet and Ed Gomez of Dallas, Texas, filed suit today in Dallas, Texas, state court against First Baptist Church of Rockwall: seeking justice for their son, John “Jeremy” Sweet-Gomez, who