Prestonwoood Christian Academy (PCA) hired spouse of convicted sex offender, former PCA teacher

In the fall of 2010, a coach at Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA), Adam Ronald Johnson, was accused of sexually abusing a PCA student. He was convicted and sentenced to 7 years probation. Concerns have been raised recently about PCA’s decision to hire Johnson’s wife as a teacher at the PCA North campus. Prestonwood Christian Academy is a ministry of Southern Baptist megachurch Prestonwood Baptist Church, my former church. Prestonwood’s main church and school campus is located in Plano, Texas, with another church and school location in Prosper, Texas.

This is an alarming decision in my opinion. It is disturbing that PCA would hire the wife of a known sex offender whose victim was a student in the same school where he also worked. He is not in prison and is free to potentially attend school events with his wife and have access to kids there.

This seems like a very unwise and problematic move both on the part of the school and the Johnsons. I believe parents should be made aware.

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