Active Prestonwood Baptist Church member who has done video work for the children’s ministry arrested for online sexual solicitation of a child

Robert Dell Miller was arrested last week in Denton County and charged with online sexual solicitation of a child. From his online accounts, he goes by his middle name Dell. He has been an active member of Prestonwood Baptist Church for at least 10 years. I am told that he is very involved in the youth ministry activities and the church affiliated school, Prestonwood Christian Academy as a parent.

In a now deleted YouTube channel, Dell did a lot media work for Prestonwood. There are multiple videos of the children’s ministry. Dell’s LinkedIn shows he does freelance media work that has included high profile sporting events in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

In a description of one of the church videos, he stated that he worked for the Prestonwood production department.

Since Dell Miller is an active member of Prestonwood and very involved in youth and school activities there, parents should be aware of his arrest. Will Prestonwood continue to allow him around the kids/youth activities pending the outcome of his prosecution for online child sexual solicitation? Does he still do work for Prestonwood?

If you’d like to follow me on TikTok, this is the video I did about this case.

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