I received an email today alerting me to another Gateway church staff member accused of sexual misconduct, Christopher Mixon. The email is signed Gateway Women. I am told that he is the lead security officer at the Dallas campus of Gateway Church. According to his LinkedIn, he works for Sunstates Security, “a trustworthy, certified Women’s Business Enterprise security officer provider” as described on their website. Sunstates Security corporate headquarters are in Raleigh, North Carolina, with offices throughout the United States, including an office in Dallas. According to his Facebook bio, he states that he has worked at Gateway Church as a “safety and security officer” since July 21, 2023. Mixon also lists private security at Prestonwood Baptist Church, my former church.

I reached out to Sunstates Security for verification of Mixon’s employment but have not heard back yet. I also reached out to Prestonwood Baptist Church head of security Trent Steele. Steele said that Christopher Mixon is not currently employed there as a security officer. I asked if he has worked there in the past, and Steele responded that I would need to contact Human Resources for employee information prior to Steele’s start date of December 1, 2023. I have sent emails to various staff at Prestonwood Baptist asking for verification regarding Mixon but no reply yet.
Update 8/7/24: I received an email today from the VP of HR at Sunstates Security, Dave Kleiman. He informed me that Christopher Mixon quit the company without notice in May 2023. He also stated that Gateway Church is not a client of Sunstates Security. Is Gateway Church aware that Mixon is no longer employed with this company?

I did find this Facebook post that he had started a new job in private security at Prestonwood Baptist Church in 2013..

I also contacted Christopher Mixon via his Gateway Church email asking for clarification on his places of employment as a security officer. I have not received a reply as of this posting.
The writers of the email about Christopher Mixon’s alleged sexual misconduct (“Gateway Women”) state:
We have endeavored to address this matter through a more constructive approach; however, it appears that Christopher does not acknowledge accountability to our elders. We hope this email stimulates inquiry and consideration with the appropriate disciplinary measure of termination of his current position.

The July 29, 2024 email that was forwarded to me today was sent to multiple executive staff members at Gateway Church in addition to lawyers at Haynes Boone. Gateway Church elders hired the law firm Haynes Boone to do an investigation after Robert Morris’ resignation in June due to public exposure of his years of sexual abuse of a child in the early 1980s.
Good evening,
Before addressing the primary content of this email, we would like to express our support for all women affected, regardless of their affiliation with our congregation. We have endeavored to address this matter through a more constructive approach; however, it appears that Christopher does not acknowledge accountability to our elders. We hope this email stimulates inquiry and consideration with the appropriate disciplinary measure of termination of his current position.
In light of Gateway Church stating harm will no longer be tolerated, this letter is on behalf of several women with the same story of sexual victimization. Christopher Mixon is an unsafe manipulative predator of women. He has had sexual escapades with numerous women within our congregation and churches across DFW. He masks as a man of God, manipulates with relational love bombing, repeatedly sleeps with the woman of the moment until her attachment occurs, sends lewd photos and graphic texts, blames the woman for his sexual perversions when bored, and moves on to his next conquest. Even more alarming, he has been forceful with many women to for his sexual pleasure. There are women who have felt his actions to be to the level of sexual assault and are considering media exposure and a criminal complaint. With the polar treatment of Cindy Clemishire for bad publicity of Gateway, the privacy and integrity of these women deserves to be protected as they have all had to deal with shame, brokenness, judgment and the distrust of men in the church.
Women are judged more harshly in the church for falling for such deceit and sexual sin making it difficult to come forward. We have seen the results at Gateway of some that have come forward against others just to be revictimized. It is an unspoken truth that the church has failed to protect women against preying men in this area with coverups, silencing, and counsel to just forgive. Although we regret falling for the lies of Christopher, we feel leaders within the church should be held to biblical standards and this behavior should not be allowed to continue to the detriment of anymore women.
If Gateway is truly changing the trajectory of the past with coverups and simple slaps on the wrist, this request will be honored to investigate the veracity of these statements and fire Christopher Mixon. It would be shocking and appalling if Christopher does not admit to these allegations himself, as he is very aware of these demons within him. Additionally, it is well known across Gateway and young adults that he is a womanizer with serious problems and no regard for the women he has hurt and continues to hunt. It is unacceptable to use a church position meant to serve and protect to take sexual advantage of women in such a demeaning and immoral manner. Too many have been used and abused to permit for continuation in his role.
Gateway Women and Affiliates
Screenshot of email:

In this photo from Christopher Mixon’s Facebook page, he is seen wearing a matching Gateway Church t-shirt with others in the photo.