In a previous post, I wrote about the public support that Greg Kelley, a convicted child sex offender, has received from Generations Church in Leander, Texas, led by Pastors Bob and Tammy Brydon. A member of the Brydon Family, Jake Brydon, is an organizer for the #FightforGK and #PrayforGK campaigns along with pastor Bob Brydon who called me expressing anger at our SNAP statement urging him to cancel the “Freedom Fest.” Jake is also a spokesman for the Greg Kelley family.
Dee Parsons at The Wartburg Watch wrote a post yesterday titled Generations Church and Greg Kelley’s Christian Supporters: Another Christian’s View.
This blog has consistently emphasized our concerns with pedophilia and the church. So, for some time, except for this letter to the little superhero, we have been content to let justice takes its course in this situation since it did not seem to involve the church. However, it has become apparent that some of the people leading the effort to exonerate Greg Kelley are involved in the evangelical church. Also, a lead pastor in Generations Church appears to be part of the effort to exonerate Kelley. That church has been the site of “Freedom Fest” in support of Kelley. Perhaps this church is not aware of the number of churches in the US which have been involved in covering up for pedophiles or they may have been reticent to use the church for an event to raise money for a convicted pedophile.
Today in a comment on Dee’s post, Megan Brydon, wife of Jake Brydon, said:
We did have an event at the church. It was not a church event, in fact there was never an invitation to members. The pastor is in support, but plays no role in this movement. He offered the building because he felt like justice was not served and that it should be. The church did not pass out ribbons supporting anyone. The pastor is not a leader of this movement, that is just not true.
On July 28, after pastor Bob Brydon called me, he sent this email to several SNAP leaders:
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:41 PM
To: Pastor Bob Brydon <>